Canada and USA

Vancouver to Seattle, Portland by Car: Thrilling borders, city delights, open roads! Fish and chips, Walmart treasures, and top-notch hotel in Portland.

Vancouver is a city which was founded on alcohol. As all the guidebooks will tell you it was the Englishman, Jack Deighton or "Gassy" to his mates, who arrived

Populated by hipsters, mircobrewers, book readers, forward thinkers and people that just want to be different. Even the tramps here look cool!

"From Vancouver to Seattle, and Portland by Car: An Epic Journey of Coastlines, Cityscapes, and Endless Adventures

These really are trees on steroids! You would not be fazed if you saw fairies or pixies jumping from the enormous mushrooms which line these trees.

Within Avenue of Giants you can actually drive though a tree, the hole was cut in the 1930s clearly before the Save the Redwoods League was established.

The Korbel winery is different to the hundreds of others in the region as it specialises in champagne, or fizzy wine as the French would have you call it.

Today we are in the Russian River Valley, famed for producing the best Pinot noir in the region. The winery of choice HKG (Hop Kiln Grown) Estate Wines.

SAN FRANCISCO typically wows visitors with its heights or its sights. The hills sear themselves into memory after a few up-and-down-and-up-again cable car rides

As we entered this surreal landscape of vast salt flats Karl shouts “Its a load of bollocks really”. He is referring to the number of signs which point out that

What happened in Vegas stays in vegas

From Vegas to Zion: Epic camping adventure with stunning landscapes, challenging hikes, and wildlife encounters.

Monument Valley is a region of the Colorado Plateau characterized by a cluster of vast sandstone buttes, the largest reaching 1,000 ft above the valley floor.

As we approached the car I joked that I had left the car keys in the Grand Canyon, however the joke was on me. As I rummaged through my bag. I wondered where

Breaking the law in Jerome, the Californian coast and Los Angeles

How do Americas national parks look like through the eyes of a tent?


As we walked along the Avenue of the Dead looming in the distance half way along is the Pyramid of the Sun, the 3rd largest pyramid in the world.

You would think the number of police officers would make us feel safe, however the next day we also saw a police man punch a guy in the face and throw him to..

We find out later that the 'Chilli' powder is actually called Sal de Gusano, or 'Worm Salt' in English. This powder is made up of chilli, salt and dried worms.

Pronounced somthing like 'waahaka', Oaxaca State is in the south of Mexico on the Pacific side

The jewled skull of Monte Alban reminds me of certain piece of art by Damien Hirst, except this was made thousands of years before.

The feeling we might have misjudged this one quickly becomes apparent. The buses suspension is clearly overly stretched on the bumpy, winding mountain road.

We have made it to this little bit of paradise. Perhaps sleeping rough is not so bad after all.

San Cristobal de las Casas, a Spanish colonial city, sits at 2800m above sea level and is remarkably colder than Puerto Escondido.

There is a magical feel abut the place with butterflies of all colours and sizes dancing around our feet as we walk the steps to get the best views of the site.

With the magnificent Mayan ruins to explore and epic waterfalls on our doorstep. Mexico has once again produced another gem for us.

So we have finally made it to the Yucatan Peninsula, our first stop is the cultural capital of the state Merida. Originally home to 5 Mayan pyramids which...

The ruins are the most famous and well preserved in Mexico. Being named as one of the 7 wonders of the modern world it also means it attracts many visitors who

The cheapest drink in Cancun, It’s called “Bronco – Destilado De Cana” and it costs only 13 Pesos, about 50 pence. You can pay more for a bottle of water.

The roads here are made of sand, it is a desert island of course. As we walk by the wooden Caribbean style houses with their thatched roofs...

I look down in the ocean and see the mouth of the whale shark coming to swallow me up, it’s so close and it’s coming fast. I swim as fast as I can away, so much

Despite them saying the party is tomorrow it seems it had already started.

One tequila, two Tequila, three Tequila, …floor!

In usual circumstance ice and beer is a tragedy. A bit of Lime is okay, maybe chilli, but no way salt, certainly not this amount, it has an uncanny resemblance

The first thing that strikes you is the colour, the lake is the lightest form of turquoise and the water is clear.

Cerveza, Spanish for beer. There’s a very different selection of beer in Mexico than in Europe..


We conquered the challenging task of traveling from Bacalar to Caye Caulker, and our efforts were rewarded with a heavenly escape to a Caribbean paradise.

In San Ignacio, we embraced adventure: sleepless nights near a booming club, exploring the eerie ATM caves, and serene cave tubing. Onward to Guatemala!

Sampling the national drink, rum, added to our authentic experience. Cheers, Belize!

After Mexico’s rather light and watery attempt at beer surely Belikin will be different, after all the British were here.


Deep inside the Guatemalan jungle, overgrown with trees and lost in time. The ancient Mayan city of El Mirador lies waiting to be uncovered.

Deep inside the Guatemalan jungle, overgrown with trees and lost in time. The ancient Mayan city of El Mirador lies waiting to be uncovered.

Deep inside the Guatemalan jungle, overgrown with trees and lost in time. The ancient Mayan city of El Mirador lies waiting to be uncovered.

Deep inside the Guatemalan jungle, overgrown with trees and lost in time. The ancient Mayan city of El Mirador lies waiting to be uncovered.

Tikal is definitely the best Mayan site we have visited and we have seen a lot over the past 2 months, its remote location in Guatemala means it does not have t

The main reason we are here is to take a boat trip down the Rio Dulce which in English translates to ‘Sweet River’.

Photographs will never be able to do this place justice you simply have to see it for yourselves.

Antigua is Guatemala’s flagship tourist town and a hub for international travellers who use it as a base to explore the rest of Guatemala or stay for weeks and

Apart from the fact we could well have died on the volcano, the experience was truly spectacular and the views were undoubtably some of the best we will ever..

The waters in this area are rumoured to have mystical powers which has meant this is now a haven for new age hippies to congregate.

For cheaper than the price of Greggs sausage roll you can get yourself a bottle of Quezalteca.

San Pedro - The perfect place to learn Spanish

El Salvador & Honduras

We still had to go through both El Salvador and Honduras to get to Nicaragua but realistically we were unlikely to be effected by the violence. We weren’t going

What are the best beers in Central America? This Beer report looks into Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama


No longer content with simple hiking up these powerful giants we now were provided with the opportunity to throw ourselves down them on a plank of wood known as

León is a city we came and fell in love with, with fantastic crumbling Spanish colonial buildings providing the backdrop for a city which is as politically intr

Caribbean. Pristine white beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and vibrant coral reefs

Is Granada just another colonial City? Almost all travellers who come to Nicaragua will end up passing through it at some point and of those we questioned...

Exploring around the area felt like we had arrived in Mordor. Karl was too quick to point out that I could fit the role of the hobbit.

San Juan is a beach resort on Nicaragua’s pacific coast. Like most resorts that border this sea it is popular with surfers. We have yet to acquire this skill bu

Isla Ometepe’s twin volcanic peaks rise majestically out of the surrounding lake, the two volcanoes stand proud with their tops in the clouds

Flor de Caña is without a doubt Nicaragua’s number one drink. It is a rum, but it is not like any other rum we have tasted before.

How to get from Nicaragua to Monteverde

Costa Rica

It’s advertised that you will zip line through the cloud forest, cross rope bridges, fly on 2 ‘spectacular’ superman style cables, rappel down ropes and exper

Home to over 100 species of mammals, over 400 species of birds, 120 amphibians and reptiles, tens of thousands of insects and over 3000 plants, including the la

Being British I have typically followed the stereotype of preferring a good cup of tea to coffee. Only choosing the latter on dark early mornings to get me up

One of the things you can do when it gets dark in Monteverde is go on a night walk in search of the wildlife which are more active in the evenings.

Costa Rica doesn’t exactly spring to mind when you think of cheese. In fact the factory in Monteverde was set up by a group of American Quaker families who...

Having seen several butterflies around Monteverde, including the hugely impressive Blue Morpho, we were inspired to visit the butterfly gardens. The guided tour

Puerto Viejo is located on Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast and is close to the boarder with Panama.


Bocas Del Toro was once a secret paradise but is now Panamas number one vacation spot. This Caribbean Island archipelago is rated as the number one spot in Lone

It’s cheap enough, the small bottle we have purchased is only $2, after all, it’s a product of Panama so it should be cheaper than other rums. But is this going

The canal is often the first thing to spring to people’s minds when Panama is mentioned. This is because the formation of the canal at this isthmus, linking the

It can only be described as colossal in region that is well known for lack of development and political turmoil. We haven’t seen anything like this since...

The great beauty of long term travel is that no plan is ever set in stone, being spontaneous and following your instinct is all part of the fun. But what happen

Billed as the beer of the canaries this local beer is the top of my list, mainly because it’s cheaper as it’s brewed on the islands.


Arriving in Colombia we did not know what to expect, many travellers we met along the way rate Colombia amongst their favourite countries.

This place is truly a paradise like no other. As well as the typical Caribbean characteristics this park is also home to an abundant amount of wildlife, amazing

From San Gil we took the local bus to the nearby picturesque town of Barichara. This quaint town is set high in the Mountains of Santander.

Aguardiente or ‘fire water’ to the locals is a traditional Colombian drink made of anise and sugar cane. A 750ml bottle is approximately £5 and the brand we are

Located in the mountainous region of Santander San Gil has become the capital for adventure sports in Columbia. Paragliding, caving, abseiling, mountain biking

Once the home of Pablo Escobar and the Medellin cartel towards the end of the 1980s this was the most violent city in the world.

We take the Pablo Escobar tour of Medellin and find out what happened to the worlds biggest cocaine empire

Heading south we decided to make a stop in Manizales. This city itself is nothing special although, as is the theme with most Latin American cities, it does hav

Self-proclaimed Salsa capital of the world and ranked 9th most dangerous city in the world. In 2012 it was ranked the 4th most dangerous city

Settled between Colombia’s Andean peaks this old colonial city is for a lot of travellers the last stop on the way to Ecuador for us it’s a break in the journey

The ancient civilisations which inhabited the lands around San Agustin are shrouded in mystery. Very little is known about these people apart from...

Chicha is a traditional drink made by the indigenous people in Columbia. Derived from maize it can be made in either a fermented or a non-fermented version.

The tombs at Tierradentro are thought to have been built in the 6th to 9th century. Little is known about the culture that built them which adds to the mystery.

Bogota is a city with a turbulent past. Being the capital of Colombia it has received attacks from various political groups, guerillas and drug gangs.

Leticia is located deep in the Colombian jungle, inaccessible by road, this riverside town is often known as the triple frontier.


It was cheap, I was pretty sure I wouldn't die, Karl really wanted to do it, and I could add it to my list of character building experiences.

Rio De Janeiro, the city of sunshine, sand and samba. We were pretty sure we knew what to expect after seeing many photos of Copacabana beach, where the beautif

The name, pronounced “Kai-Pee-Reen-Ya”, can affectionately be said to mean “little countryside drink” or less affectionately as “a drink for the hillbillies”.

If we put all the waterfalls we had ever seen together it would only cover a fraction of the size of Iguazu. Standing 80 meters high and 2,700 meters in diamet

Although we never really made it into the heart of Paraguay we did technically go twice.

I don’t think we drank enough beer in Brazil, it’s a country devoted to cocktails but we did try a few cervejas.

As soon as we crossed the amazon border into Brazil Guarana was the most popular soft drink, although it’s not alcoholic we found it suitable for a review.


The once sleepy fishing village of Punta Del Diablo, with its vast unspoilt beaches and dirt tracks is fast becoming a tourist hotspot.

On first seeing Yerba Mate we thought it was some sort of illegal drug so became curious to find out more.

We pick out our top moments of 2015. Having passed through 16 countries and spent 243 days on the road 2015 has been one long adventure!

Colonia is Uruguay’s most famous colonial city. This picturesque town is an UNESCO world heritage site and is just 50km by ferry from Buenos Aires.

By now it had become clear what the cider was for. A few daring soles had already started the battle by aiming and throwing the cider at anyone.

After the cider fight on New Year’s Eve it was difficult to wash the smell of this sickly sweet cider from our hair. Bought at around $1.50 a bottle this sugary

Uruguayan wine tends to be overshadowed by its neighbour, Argentina, who produce the world renowned Malbec. However, we were pleased to find out...

Grappamiel is a honey based drink popular in Uruguay, after seeing it for sale in Montevideo we couldn’t resist the urge to try this Uruguayan specialty.

So the beer costs more per litre than a bottle of good Uruguayan Red wine. You would expect it to be good.


Buenos is vibrant city full of culture, architecture, tango, steak and delicious wines.

Ushuaia is located at the very tip of South America on the island of Tierra del Fuego, clinging to the shore of the Beagle channel and surrounded by the last of

Fernet-Branca was introduced to us by a group of Argentinians who were travelling in Uruguay, they told us about their love of the Italian liquor and offered us

Creeping down the mountain at glacial pace, that is two meters a day, crashing and melting spectacularly into a lake of turquoise water is the awe inspiring...

The drink we are going to try is a liqueur made of dulche de leche, at first glance I can tell it’s going to be sweet.

We came to Patagonia to hike and hiking is what we did. After a few days break in El Calafate we couldn't wait to get our hiking boots on and head back out

30th Birthday Celebrations at the worlds most southern Irish Bar!

There’s no denying the scenic beauty of Bariloche, as we enter Argentina’s lake district the landscape changes from the vast desolate scrublands of Patagonia in

Mendoza is known world-wide as the capital of Argentinian wines. The area is surrounded by vineyards and there are ample tours available which can cater for...


The reason we decide to stay here is because of the penguins. Coming this close to the Antarctic we couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to get up close.

Las Torres to Mirador base de Las Torres

Las Torres to Seron

Seron To Lago Dickson

Lago Dickson to Camp Paso

Camp Paso to Paine Grande

Paine Grande to Francis Lookout

Paine Grande to Administration

Each hostel we tried was full, most even had a paper with “full” scribbled and pinned to the front door. It was getting late and we had nowhere to stay...

San Pedro de Atacma - Valle de Luna

Licor De Cerveza probably translates to Beer Liquor which when translated sounds less appealing.


The air was thin and our breathing was laboured but we were just about to enter the Bolivian altiplano, a huge expanse of Andean plateau.

After a difficult night’s sleep we woke in a cold damp room set within the desolate landscape of the Bolivian altiplano, meanwhile celebrations were beginning..

Then, gazing out of the window, appeared scenery so spectacular there was no other word to describe it but heavenly.

Bolivia is unlike any other South American country we have been to so far. With a majority of the people being indigenous there seems to be a fierce rejection o

Set on the tranquil shores of Lake Titicaca, Copacabana is a far cry from the chaotic city off La Paz. This popular holiday destination is the main town.

This two day hike from Isla Del Sol to Copacabana has amazing scenery, inca villages and there are also several pre Columbian ruins dotted around.

Bolivia is a country with a seemingly unhealthy addiction to Coca leaves. With this in mind it was no surprise when we spotted this coca infused soft drink.


The city is popular due to its close-ish proximity to Machu Picchu and the many ruins in the Sacred Valley. However, as we soon found out, the city itself has i

Yes, that’s right, we have invented a new term for getting sloshed, and here is the story behind it.

Pisco is the drink of Peru..or Chile, depends which country you are in as each claim it was their own. Whatever the case this distilled wine is found all over.

Colca Canyon is the second deepest canyon in world and is a popular hiking destination in Peru. Often passed over by tourists in favour of the world famous Inca

Getting to the summit was difficult and I had to stop every 20 steps to catch my breath. There was one precarious bit where the guide said people had fallen!

Beyond the roasted Guinea Pig and juicy Alpaca steaks there really is a dazzling array of food available making this the top foodie destination in South America


As we stepped off the plane into Romania I was expecting no one to be there. The British press often claimed that the Romanians were all making their way to..

No trip to Romania would be complete without a visit to the mysterious lands of Transylvania. Since Bram Stoker famously used the location as a setting for...

Ranging from clear to mauve to deep purple, this Romanian fire water can’t be missed. This plum based brandy is sold in bars, restaurants and even in the street


I can hardly believe it has been 10 years since we last visited India. When I was 18 this was the first country I backpacked around.

Cruising Kerala’s backwaters in a luxurious overnight house boat was perhaps the most relaxing thing we have ever done, but the day didn’t start that way.

Southern Kerala’s two main beach resorts are Varkala and Kovalam. As we were looking forward to a few days of sun, sea and sand we decided to incorporate both.

We began our first day at the park with a jeep safari. I use the word ‘safari’ in the loosest possible sense as it involved no animal spotting whatsoever.

The great thing about India is that it’s so cheap. No longer are we backpackers, we have fully morphed in flashpackers.

Ever wondered what to do with a Coconut? Or how to make cabbage more interesting? Well these recipes which we learnt during our South Indian cooking lesson.

Malaysia and Borneo

We left Kuala Lumpur feeling awestruck; this city really does feel like the beating heart of South East Asia.

Georgetown on Penang Island is on all the recommended itineraries for Malaysia and as there are loads of cheap flights from Kuala Lumpur.

The tropical island of Langkawi and the surrounding archipelago, with its white sand beaches, sparkling waters and lush jungle, is Malaysia’s resort island for

Orang-utans are synonymous with Borneo and we were excited to meet some at Sepilok rehabilitation centre. These lovable ginger apes are native to Indonesia

To experience nature, while in Borneo, we booked a trip to the Kinabatangan River

Kuching riverfront was the perfect place for a stroll. The cobbled walkway lined with restaurants, food stalls and numerous street hawkers selling...


The final stop before Australia!

Leaving the UK

Drinking Scotch In Scotland, Whiskey Review, Edinburgh, Around the world in 80 drinks

We Are Leaving Manchester - The Party

Photos from the last day at work.

We head back to the north east of England to visit family before setting out on our trip

Newcastle Brown Ale

Trip Planning

Why should you write a travel blog? ‘First they tell us they are going travelling, now they want us to read about all the fun they are having and how f*cking

How and why we choose Intrepid Nomads as the title of our travel blog

Tips ticks and plain old common sense on how to save for your very own budget backpacking adventure

So you have saved all your money and your bank account is looking healthier but how do you spend this money abroad without having to paying for the privilege.

What happens if you lose your bank card? Do you have a backup strategy to get your money? What happens if you spend all your money? You can use your credit card

Everest Base Camp

Everest Base Camp Trek Day-1 , Preparing For Departure to Nepal. The day has arrived.

Everest Base Camp Trek Diary - Day 2 - Hotel Yak and Yeti, The arrival in Kathmandu

Everest Base Camp Trek Diary - Day 3 - Phakding, The start of the trek

Everest Base Camp Trek, Diary of the trek to Namche Bazaar

Everest Base Camp Trek, Diary of the trek to Namche Bazaar

Day 6 Thyangboche :WORST DAY EVER! I was sick. Really sick. Something at breakfast didn’t agree with me and I could feel it straight away on my stomach.

Diary of the Everest Base Camp Trek to Dingboche, Today was my favourite walk so far, we crossed into the snow line

Dingboche -Apparently at the top the oxygen levels are 50% less, Most people are getting ill in one way or another. Everest Base Camp Trek Diary

Everest Base Camp Day 9 - The walk today has been my favourite so far. Everyone seems to be in great spirits and the scenery was out of this world

Today’s walk was slippery but it wasn’t too long, with only one steep assent. We made it to Gorakshep by lunchtime and there was very little to do.

We did it! Today was the day we all trekked to Everest Base Camp, It was a slight anti-climax as there is actually nothing there

HARDEST DAY EVER! Reaching the summit of Kallapattar was a challenge. It was so cold, extremely cold in fact. Cold to the point where I thought

There was some drama today, just as we thought we were descending to safety one of the guys in our group collapsed and had a seizure.

Arriving at Chumoa, Everyone seems in good spirits today. The end is in sight! Only two more nights in tents!!

Day 15 arrival back in Kathmandu, I’m off the mountains and back in civilisation!! Thank God!

Kit List Everest Base Camp Trek Nepal

Italy and Jordan

Jordan - A land of Rocks, Religion and Royalty. Review of our holiday, including Petra and Wadi-Rum

Our trip to Italy began in Naples, then we traveled to Rome. Spending the Final week on the Amalfi Coast.

Is Naples Safe For Tourists? thinking of going to Naples worried about your safety? Read on to see my first hand experience of Naples.


Once again I find myself up in the mountains. This time I the aim of the trip is to conquer North Africa’s highest peak, Mount Toubkal.

Day 2 of our trek though the Atlas mountains

We made it to the top of Mount Toubkal! This was not without its difficulties. I have to admit I may have massively underestimated this trip.

Don't know what to pack for your upcoming trek of Mount Toubkal? See what essential kit I found most useful and what I didn't.

There were two options available, the first was the popular Dutch beer Heineken, and the second cheaper option was the local ‘Biére Flag’