Aventura - Superman and Tarzan Swinging through Monteverde Cloud Forest

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We arrived in the lush cloud forests of Monteverde the weather here is cool and wet and it feels like home. It is a welcome relief from the tropical heat of Nicaragua. Unfortunately am unable to fully enjoy the change in climate as for some time, in the dark recesses of my mind, there has been a niggling worry. Monteverde is home to the biggest concentration of extreme sports in Central America meaning at some point I would have to participate in some form of adrenaline fuelled activities. Not so much because I really wanted to but because I didn’t want to look a fool in front of Leanne who claims snorkelling has the equivalent fear factor to her as jumping of a 295ft platform towards the ground does to me


100% aventura tarzan swing

There are many canopy tours to choose from, we chose 100% Aventura based on a good recommendation. It’s advertised that you will zip line through the cloud forest, cross rope bridges, fly on 2 ‘spectacular’ superman style cables, rappel down ropes and experience the longest zip line in Latin America (1590m) finishing off with the stuff of my nightmares, a “Mega Tarzan Swing”. For someone who once had to bum shuffle down a spiral staircase in York Cathedral jumping off a 295ft platform is not on my everyday list of things to do. For Leanne however this was the deciding factor in choosing this tour.


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The tour begins with a demonstration off the guide where you met the rest of group. One of the guys in our group was an experienced “rock climber”, full of confidence, he had plenty of advice for us amateurs. When he double checked my harness it added a small amount of confidence to the little that was there.

The first few zip lines and rope bridges eased us into the swing of things. I was thankful that my fear of heights had dissipated in recent years. One thing Leanne was worried about was the fact that you had to brake yourself using one hand on the line behind you (you have a special glove on to do this) but there was never any issues with this as its really easy to do.

You then come to the rappel. Without really knowing what was happening I was reluctantly leaning out over the canopy and then dropped suddenly towards the floor with the tour guide at the bottom controlling everything. You are supposed to let go of the rope but I grabbed on for dear life getting some nice rope burns in the process.


aventura superman

After the rappel there is a small hike to the first superman zip line. This is the longest in Latin America and as the name would suggest you have to do it flying like superman. This is the point when people started to panic. However I was reserving all my fear for the “Mega Tarzan Swing” which was getting closer with each minute.

For a moment it really felt like I was flying. The trees below whizzed past looking strangely like pieces of broccoli, it was a real bird’s eye view over the cloud forest, flying over trees and buildings at perhaps 60 or 70 km an hour. The whole experience lasted perhaps one and a half minutes.



Once this was finished you were swiftly re-hooked onto another shorter zip wire to return. Arriving back at the other side I was asked “are you doing the Tarzan swing?” before I had a chance to say no he was preparing my harness.


As I followed the path towards the Tarzan swing several people were coming the other way having decided it would be better to go straight to the reception. There were a few people in the queue and the lady before me took her turn, walked to the end of platform and decided against it. Leanne then arrived and jumped ahead of me in the queue thinking that if she did it first I would have no choice but to follow. She walked out along the platform and jumped in complete silence.

Then I heard her shout “Karl you have to do it now” from below. Reluctantly I headed out along the platform becoming more and more frightened with each step. Somehow I made it to the end filled with fear.

Before I knew what was happening I was strapped in. I kept repeating “I’m not doing it”, “I’m going back” and the guide said “just say yes” so I say yes and he opens the gate. There was no need to jump as the rope pulls you out and you free fall for about 3 seconds before the Tarzan swing take effect. Leanne watched my fall from below and claimed I looked like I was trying to pull the rope through my hands trying to climb back up which she thought was hilarious. When it finally started to stop I was able let out a ridiculous scream as the adrenaline kicked in.


Watch here

We thoroughly enjoyed our day with 100% Adventura and would recommend it to anyone looking for fun and adrenaline. Even if you’re afraid it’s only natural so don’t let it put you off.

As for the ever so confident “Rock Climber”, well he never even got passed the superman zip line but claims to have enjoyed the scenic walk back to reception.

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