Torres Del Paine Day 2 - Las Torres to Seron

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Intrepid Nomads™
  • Campsite: Seron
  • Costs: Campsite CP$8,500pp
  • Distance Covered: 12km

This was the first day carrying our backpacks full of camping equipment, food and water. Mine hurt just lifting it on my back. Karl’s was worse, holding a majority of the camping gear and a weeks worth of food, including the 5kg of cheese he insisted on taking. Conveniently we were able to weigh the bags at the campsite and found out the true weight of the loads. Mine came in at 11kg and Karl’s at 17kg. Although 11kg was considered light I argued that, at a quarter of my body weight, this was more than enough for me to be carrying.

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Not to be deterred, we set off in the glorious sunshine full of optimism and ready for adventure.

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Our spirits began to be crushed slightly when the beginning of the walk turned steep. As we slowly edged up the hills the sunshine was no longer a blessing but a curse as the heat made walking more difficult.

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Mercifully the path flatted out and we were able to enjoy the walk through summer meadows and daisy fields.

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All was going swimmingly until the horseflies attacked. They seemed to be fond of me but really loved Karl as they began to terrorise him from all angles. Despite the annoying insects we began to get into our stride and enjoy the freedom of walking into the wild with only the things on our back to survive.

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The sun was so strong that we both got sunburt, it seemed that we had prepared for wind, rain and snow but hadn’t expected the weather to be so nice. I could deal with a little sunburn but I was not sure how I would cope with the other elements so I had my fingers crossed that the good weather was here to stay as the weather in the park is notorious for changing quickly.

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