Torres Del Paine Day 3 - Seron To Lago Dickson

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Intrepid Nomads™
  • Campsite: Dickson
  • Costs: Campsite CP$6,000pp
  • Distance Covered: 18km

Our shoulders were beginning to hurt almost as soon as we put the bags on and with an 18km hike ahead of us this seemed like it would be a long day.

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Taking in the scenery meant time passed quickly and we reached the half way point before lunch time. There were some steep assents at the beginning but mainly it was just a nice, pleasant walk which we completed at a leisurely pace in 6 and a half hours.

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During the walk we were able to solve the mystery of the blue tent stains. Last night as we set up the tent we saw what looked like ink on the tent. As we had rented the equipment we were concerned and began trying to clean it off, but it was difficult, and we were worried we would have to pay for the damage. We couldn’t figure out where it came from.

However, on the walk today we noticed bushes filled with blackberries. These seemed the likely culprit, however, when squashed the juice was red and wiped off easily. Then we spotted the real cause. Innocent looking birds eating the berries left a trail of dark, ink coloured stains from where they stood. We had solved the case. We were pretty confident we could not be liable for birds pooping on our tent.


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In the afternoon, as I was focused on the path ahead, I happened to glance to my right. I had to look twice as what at first looked like sky actually turned out to be a glacier hanging off the mountains in the distance. A welcome addition to the surrounding scenery.

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The weather today was overcast with drizzle. We didn’t complain as it made it easier to walk uphill with the bags than the blazing heat of the day before.

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After 18km of walking we were pleased to arrive at the beautiful lakeside campsite. There is no better feeling after a long walk than taking the heavy packs off and lying on the grass looking at the enormous mountains which surround you. Enjoying the feeling of bliss as your muscles relax into the cool grass is a comfy reward for your hard effort.

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Rather than relaxing a few crazy people decided it would be a good idea to jump into the ice cold glacier lake. Not surprisingly they recorded the event with their cameras. The curse of the Go-pro strikes again.

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