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Grappamiel is a honey based drink popular in Uruguay, after seeing it for sale in Montevideo we couldn’t resist the urge to try this Uruguayan specialty.


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We know that miel is honey in Spanish but Grappa is an Italian drink, a pomace based brandy made from grape skins. This mixture of honey and grappa clearly owes its heritage to the Italian immigrants that came to Uruguay


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The first bottle we tryed was 24% alcohol and had a picture of two birds on the front. We really didn’t know what to do with it. We guessed it was supposed to be shot or drank like a liqueur but we had no glasses so in true backpacker fashion necked it straight from the bottle.


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Fully expecting to be stung in the throat for the sake of research, what followed was a pleasant sweet treat of drink. The glowing aftertaste of honey soothes the warm alcohol. It didn’t take long to finish the small 200ml sampler, more than impressed we went back for another bigger bottle.

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