Portland - Weird is Good

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Portland - Oregon, with its trendy bars and micro breweries defines the Pacific North West. With very few sky scrapers its not your typical american city and neither are its citizens. Populated by hipsters, mircobrewers, avid book readers, forward thinkers and people that just want to be different. Even the tramps here look cool!

portland weird

We spent the morning walking along the Tom MacCall water front park.

portland waterfront

Then we checked out some of the trendy bars in the old town Leanne picked up the courage to try and oyster.


oyster shooter


Its true that travel changes your persective on life, for some one who never eats anything out of the sea this is a brave move.

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The face says it all....

After eating oysters we went for a walk around the rest of the city. Powells City of Books claims to be the biggest book store in the world. Its certainly the biggest book store we have ever been in. Located over several floors it takes up an enitre city block.

As well as having more mircobrewies than any other city in the world Portland is famed for its street food. With street vendors gathered together in groups around the city your spoilt for choice.

portland street stalls

To end the day we chose a thai street vendor and we were certainly not dissapointed.

thai food portland


However, other than pretending to be cool theres not much else to see as a tourist. I feel due to the pace of the trip we have missed alot of what Orgeon has to offer mainly Crater Lake and Mount Hood National Park. Perhaps after visiting 3 Pacific North West cities its just time to get out into the wild, next stop Redwood National Park, California.

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