Journey to Seattle and Portland - In search of Fraser Crane and a giant space needle

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A short 15 minute hike with the bags through downtown Vancouver and we are at the bus station. Once the tickets were collected from the Amatrak Ticket office we completed the custom declaration forms and the I-94 visa waiver form and waited for the bus to take us across the USA border to Seattle.



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Trees, more trees than I have ever seen, alpine forest, lakes and mountains. Thats about all I will see of washington state, and all out of the bus window. Its finally sunk in what we are doing, Vancouver felt like a city break. Overland by bus, this feels like traveling. And theres another 10000 miles after this to go!




Seattle waterside


Fraser Crane could not be found, surely he will be in one of the coffee shops. Hmmm not even on the radio, thats strange. Perhaps some fish and chips will lighten the mood from the harbour. "One alaskan atlantic cod and chips please", 5 minutes later were eating fish fingers and fries.


Seattle Fish and chips


A quick tour through Pioneer Square, Pike Place Market and Seattle Centre (where we found the giant space needle) and that was Seattle done.


Seattle To Portland – A precarious drive down the I5


Today is the day we picked up our hire car, (Alamo) in the middle of dowtown Seattle, with no idea how to navigate the roads or how to drive an automatic. We rationalised that Karl was probably the best person to get us out the city safely. This was questionable when he kept mistaking the brake for the clutch.There were genuine moments when we feared for our lives! How someone didnt go into the back of us is amazing.


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Thankfully once we hit the Interstate Karl was crusing along at a safe 60mph and we were able to relax slightly and enjoy the sun and scenery. Our main aim now that we had a car was to purchase some camping gear, so the sight we were hoping to spot was a large Walmart, which we found just before reaching Portland. We managed to get a tent, airbed, stove,2 chairs, pans, plates, coolbox and various other items for $200. Bargin! There is nothing that Walmart doesnt sell!

Our hotel in Portland is the best we have stayed in so far (University Place Hotel). After eating so much processed meats and snacks we decided to spend the afternoon in the gym in the hope that a 2 hour workout will cancel out the burgers, beers and pizza's we have been gorging on.

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