Flag Biére- Marrakesh

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Not known for its drinking culture, Marrakesh is more about mint teas than mojitos.

We soon found that each hour spent in the Souks made the forbidding beverage become more and more tempting. This was not helped by the fact that we had spent two days in a hotel which didn’t serve alcohol. There is a similar theme with restaurants, in particular those located around the Medina as it is local law that alcohol should not be consumed openly in view of the mosque.
However, lovers of liquor, do not despair! Alcohol can be found, it’s just not advertised as prominently as it is in other countries.


Flag Bierre

I have to admit I was probably I little bit too excited when we changed hotels and found a bar serving beer. There were two options available, the first was the popular Dutch beer Heineken, and the second cheaper option was the local ‘Biére Flag’. It was the latter which became our drink of choice for the remainder of our time in Marrakesh. Enjoying our cool beers in the riads courtyard became the perfect relaxing setting to enjoy this rare delight.

Of course tourism has meant that Marrakesh does now have its fair share of bars and newly formed clubs, but these are still few and far between. Drinking is not the reason you would go to Morocco. However, if you do fancy something to cool you down and take the edge off the chaos of the Medina, or to celebrate after a long trek though the Atlas Mountains, then a Biére Flag can be highly recommended.

  • Intrepid Nomads
  • Intrepid Nomads