Romanian Plum Brandy

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Ranging from clear to mauve to deep purple, this Romanian fire water can’t be missed. This plum based brandy is sold in bars, restaurants and even in the street as home brewed specials are served straight up from an old plastic water bottle.


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Known locally as Tuica this highly flammable drink can contain anywhere between 30-60% alcohol. Traditionally the plums are fermented for 6-8 weeks before being distilled in a brass sill using a wood burning fire. After distillation it can be aged for 6 months to 10 years or drank straight away.


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While visiting an old-style beer house in Bucharest we decided to try the lighter less aged variety. Served ice cold in a delicate glass this innocent looking drink blew our heads off. I can only imagine it is what it would taste like to drink paint stripper as my throat and oesophagus burnt like hell.


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Karl bravely tried an offering of a darker coloured brandy served as a taster from a woman on a market in Transylvania. Needless to say, he politely declined the offer to buy the full bottle

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