Brazilian Beer

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I don’t think we drank enough beer in Brazil, it’s a country devoted to cocktails but we did try a few "cervejas". There is a wide selection of artisanal and craft beers but it’s often cheaper to buy a bottle of wine or a bottle of spirits than a beer. In the supermarket some artisanal beers where for sale for £10 which could buy you 5 litres of spirits to make caipirinhas!


This typical Brazilian beer can also be found in the supermarkets in the UK, usually fairly cheap. But where better to drink it than Brazil, it’s fairly decent and very palatable. It comes in a vast array of sizes, cans and bottles. From the seemingly small 200ml to my favourite 550ml cans it sold nearly everywhere. Final verdict, predictable, drinkable and refreshing.


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The name of this beer is Antarctica, with a name like that it must be cold. So cold it gets served wrapped in an insulated holder. Is this just keep your hand warm from the cold can? Or perhaps to keep the beer cold? Or perhaps both. It would sure get you funny looks in England.


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The beer its self was good and drinkable but a long way from exceptional.

My overall opinion of beer in Brazil is tarnished by the fact that it’s expensive in comparison to other drinks, this meant that much of the wide variety available we simply did not get a chance to drink, it’s a shame but who cares when you’re drinking caipirinhas all night long.

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