The Jeweled Skull of Monte Alban

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The jewled skull of Monte Alban reminds me of certain piece of art by Damien Hirst, except this was made thousands of years before. Partially covered in jade with fake eyes and nose this strange mix of art and death was found in the tombs of Monte Alban. It now resides in the Museo de las culturas de Oaxaca.


Jeweled skull of monte alban


A 50 peso bus ride from Oaxaca and you are at Monte Alban, the ancient home to the Zapotec people. Founded in 500BC and eventually being abandoned in 850AD its one of the best examples of meso american history and is now a UNISCO world heritage site


Monte Alban


Some of the more peculiar specimens on site are the carved rocks dating from 500-100bc that show men with their penis's being removed.


monte alban


Built on top of a flattened mountain the views of the surrounding valleys are spectacular.


monte alban


But now it appears to be ran by lizards...


igauana on a rock


Once again the history and culture of Mexico has surprised us greatly.


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