Dorada – Cerveza de Canarias

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Billed as the beer of the canaries this local beer is the top of my list, mainly because it’s cheaper as it’s brewed on the islands. In my eyes drinking the local beer makes the most sense. As I discovered a bit too late you can tour the Dorada factory on Tenerife, but I spent too much time actually drinking this beer to do the trip. Nearly everywhere in Tenerife sold this beer, well except some bars which appear to be just to “English” to do so. However that was made up by the fact Ricky Hatton was in the bar, riding the bucking bronco! It’s a great beer the only problem was that it doesn’t get you drunk, either it’s been watered down in the bars or I have a bigger alcohol tolerance in Europe. Four drinks in Colombia and I feel the same off eight pints of this.




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I tried this beer once in a bar that only sold Tropical, its green label is the opposite to Doradas bright red. Which is surprising considering they are made by the same company. In truth its not much different to Dorada but when your drinking 10 per night you really don’t care. Appears to me just another tactic by the big beer companies to flood the market with an alternative to those against the mainstream brands. But who cares it does the business.


Top Beer


top beer

Cheapest beer in the shop, the tin can weighs more than beer inside giving the impression you have a lot more left to drink. When it ends its surprising as the can still weighs the same as half a pint. Cheap, cheerful and has beer written in English, French (biere) and spanish (cerveza) on the front. Clearly a European favourite although I have never heard of it. Marks out of ten, two drinks and it’s gone. Like its name it’s a top drink before or after a night out as you get six of these for the price of a drink in a bar!


Bonus Beer - Dorada Ice – Guatemala


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When I saw the name Dorada it reminded me of the Dorada Ice in Guatemala, the Guatemalan Dorada Ice is obviously more refreshing due to the “Ice”. This a similar kind of beer but the link is purely in the name. Dorada appears everywhere in spanish speaking countries, we have stayed in El Dorado, walked in El dorado and there’s a street in every city called el dorado. Curiosity tells me I need to find out what this means. It means “golden”. This beer is definitely golden, exactly the same as any cerveza. Great to have as a refreshing drink, great to drink loads with little regard of the taste, good enough for me.

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