Jordan - A land of Rocks, Religion, Royalty

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In 2012 we spent 7 days travelling through the captivating country of Jordan. This trip was not inspired by our need for Christian enlightenment, but rather by Karl Pilkington in An Idiot Abroad. This T.V programme showed the lost kingdom of Petra as one of the 7 Wonders of the World and we were immediately intrigued. Bordering both Syria, Iraq and Israel, Jordan had never came to the top of our holiday destination list, however, after some research into the area we found that it was both safe and welcoming for tourists, something which is avidly promoted by King Abdullah II.

Our research also led us to discover that Petra was only one of a number of sights this country has to offer, with both the Roman city of Jaresh, the Wadi Rum desert, and the Dead Sea being added to our 'must see' list. The country had the perfect mix of antiquity and natural wonders which would keep us both suitably satisfied.

Despite preferring DIY travelling we decided to go for a tour as our time was limited and we didn't want the hassle of organising it ourselves. On this occasion I would say that it was the best decision as we managed to fit in all our 'must see' places as well as being taken to other equally enchanting places such as the Dana Biosphere Reserve. This came as an added surprise when we saw how beautiful the place was. We arrived at the Dana just as the sun was about to set were able to sit on our balcony with the most spectacular views. This ended up being one of the best moments of the trip.

Outside Petra

Jordan is well famed for its biblical references; however this was not the focus of our trip. For those who follow such religions both the River Jordan and Moses burial place would be worth a visit. We were happy with walking the ruins of Petra, meandering through the rock faces to discover yet more ancient architectures. For those looking to go it is well worth noting that the climb up the stairs to the Monastery is well worth the effort.

Other highlights included following the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia by camping with the local Bedouins under the stars in the desert and feeling weightless in the Dead Sea. It has to be said that floating in the Dead Sea is only as relaxing as it looks in the photographs before you get the water in your eyes. After that point it's blind scramble back to the shore with mud and salt increasing burning out your eye sockets.

With all these sights to take in Jordan is by far a perfect holiday for those looking for a cultural experienced set in a diverse landscape of outstanding natural beauty.

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