Dulce De Leche Liquor

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Dulce Del Leche is a favourite of Argentinians, this sweet sugar and milk spread is sold everywhere and can be witnessed being ate for breakfast daily. It tastes amazing in a sweet, give me more way, that is until you feel sick.


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The drink we are going to try is a liqueur made of dulche de leche, at first glance I can tell it’s going to be sweet. It looks brown and gooey, shake the bottle and the contents hardly move. It’s a respectable 17% alcohol.


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As the drink pours slowly into the glass, swirling it leaves a thick residue on the side. Coating it in brown sugary goodness.


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Taking the first sip, the first thing I notice is the consistency. It’s quite possibly the thickest drink I have tasted, its slithers down your throat leaving a trail of ice cream, caramel and of course dulce de leche flavourings before the alcoholic kick ever so slightly warms the belly. The drink reminds me of a thicker, sweeter version of Bailys Irish cream.

It is a nice drink but I’m not sure drinking the full bottle would be good for your health, it’s just too sweet. But right now that’s not going to stop me having another.

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