Licor De Cerveza

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Licor De Cerveza probably translates to Beer Liquor which when translated sounds less appealing.


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The bottle we have is from Entre Olivios, a small artisanal company in Mendoza. During a wine tasting day in we stumbled into the tasting room, first trying olives and jams before moving on the liqueurs.

Licor De Cerveza was the best of the bunch so we took a bottle to be consumed at a later date.
The bottle travelled with us on a 36 hour bus journey to San Pedro De Atacama where we drank the bottle watching the sunset in the desert landscape of the Valle de Luna.

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The liquor is finely crafted from whiskey, beer, sugar and honey. Giving a unique flavour. We have no idea how strong it is but it leaves a nice warm burning sensation in your stomach. Perfect for warming you up in the desert when the sun has gone down.


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The flavour of the honey and sugar is strong and overpowers the beer and whiskey leaving a distinct heavenly taste. Despite its fiery after taste it leaves you wanting more, which is a shame because it’s unlikely we will be ever be able to try it again.

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