Everest Base Camp - Day 10 - Gorakshep (5,288m)

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The night was freezing cold. There was little point in the boarding round the ‘toilet’ as I might as well have been pissing in the same room as my Managing Director. I have decided to take this opportunity to get to know her a bit more, she is a successful woman so maybe I can learn something from her. So far I have learnt that she is made of steel. Out of our group she is the one who hasn’t got ill once, she hasn’t even complained of a headache. Bloody basecamp will be a breeze for her, by the looks of it we will be holding her back from climbing to the top! I, on the other hand, am made from a softer metal, something a bit more malleable. I don’t think it’s a bad thing; I don’t even want to be a MD anyway.

Today’s walk was slippery but it wasn’t too long, with only one steep assent. We made it to Gorakshep by lunchtime and there was very little to do. I can’t be bothered to talk to people, most of them annoy me now anyway. Luckily we have Everest Base Camp tomorrow and Kallapathar the day after, then it’s our home stretch back down.

  • Intrepid Nomads