Everest Base Camp - Day 11 - Everest Base Camp (5,357m)

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We did it! Today was the day we all trekked to Everest Base Camp. It was a slight anti-climax as there is actually nothing there apart from a few prayer flags (which are everywhere) and a group of Korean tourists. Apparently May is the climbing season where the place is a hive of activity. Also, you can’t actually see Everest from Everest Base Camp! You can kind of see the top if you get the right angle, squint, stand on one leg and whistle into the wind.

Everest Base Camp Sign

After what felt like a lifetime of photos being taken it was time to get down to the important business of rock hunting. Everyone at home wants a piece of Everest, except this won’t actually be Everest, but never mind, its close enough. So off I went in search for the perfect rocks to take home. I had been successful in finding a good range of rocks with flecks of sliver which glimmered in the sun. Perfect. Then Dave came along. Dave, I have to add is the guy in the group who has walked the entire way to Everest Base Camp in shorts. F**king shorts!! Anyway, Dave comes along with a rock with fleck of gold, so suddenly I’m searching for rocks with gold flecks. Brilliant. Found some. I’m pleased now as I have a good selection of rocks. The family will be pleased. Then Dave comes along again ‘look at this’ he says , it’s a lovely flat rock, not too thick, not too thin, ‘I’m going to get it engraved with Everest Base Camp and todays date’. This man is a genius! I now need a flat rock. This is more difficult to find. There seems to be a trend for writing messages on rocks which are left at base camp. Surely Dave couldn’t have found the only flat rock left. Getting increasingly frustrated I search around the area. Finally I find a suitable flat(ish) rock. Sorted. I can leave happy. Then short wearing Dave comes along again. I proudly tell him about my success at finding the perfect rock, when I notice a smile on his face, he doesn’t seem to care about my rocks, he only goes and pulls out a rock SHAPED LIKE EVEREST! A f**ing Everest shaped rock!!
I give up. Dave wins.

Everest Base camp summit

He has found the perfect Everest Base Camp rock to take home. All I have to worry about now is how I’m going to carry my pockets full of inadequate rocks back to camp.

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