Mexican Cerveza

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Cerveza, Spanish for beer. 

There are two types of beer in Mexico, Claro (light) and Negra (dark). There is great choice of brands but the variety in taste can be limited.

We have not went out our way to find locally brewed beers, we are just reviewing the beer that is readily available in the local shops, bars and restaurants.



Sol translates literally to mean sun and its advertised all over Mexico. Presumably it must be popular but then so is water, in fact other than the light golden colour they taste remarkably similar, although Sol does affect you in different ways. It tastes cool and refreshing when ice cold however when its warm the taste becomes less like water and more like sweaty socks.


sol and tecate light

Sol Limon.

Sol with a picture of a lime on the front (or a Lemon in this case, Mexicans say they don’t have limes, everything is a lemon, but they definitely look green and lime like to me, even the oranges are green perhaps they call them lemons as well). Don’t drink this! It’s basically Sol with an awful chemically Lime\Lemon taste added, probably the same as what they add to washing up liquid to make it smell nice. You don’t go around drinking Fairy though.

Tecate Light

Mexico is quite fond of its “light” beers, I think they are trying to say something about the country’s ever expanding average waist line. This one is slightly darker in colour than Sol but has that same taste of water, maybe with a slightly more familiar beer taste. Not so good unless you’re on a diet.

Tecate Titanium 5.5%

Mexico’s answer to high alcohol beer, bought primarily to get drunk quicker. Perhaps the name ‘Titanium’ is effecting my judgment but its tasting metallic. If you want to get drunk quick don’t buy this go straight into the deep end and buy Mezcal or Tequilla.

Superior – Rubia – 4. 5%

As the name suggests this is a ruby\dark beer, as most beers here are light this makes a change. However, don’t be fooled by this, as is common with all Mexican beers this is no ale, there is little if no hoppy taste and quite frankly tastes like water. However when ice cold this makes a refreshing drink. Better than Sol.


indio, dos esquis, superior

Dos Equis – Lager Especial – 4.3%

Dos Equis translates to XX, which is pretty accurate as it is similar to XXXX but with half the taste. Tastes watery, not by much it’s better than Sol.

Modelo Especial.

One of the more expensive beers, sold as a premium beer and it looks it as well. People can be seen keeping their large bottle of Modelo Especial cool in champagne coolers at some of the fancier restaurants. Tastes very much like Corona which is not surprising as the Modelo group own the Corona brand as well as Victoria and Pacifico to name a few. All in all they own 63% of the Mexican beer market. The beer is not bad for Mexcian beer but I would prefer to drink the much cheaper Corona as I can drink more for less.


Comes in 1.2 litres bottles and cans of different sizes, this dark beer is actually my favourite. It’s easy to drink while not being too watery. Better by far than the rest of the beers in this price range, it actually has a little character to it in comparison to the other beers available. Whilst it retains some of the standard characteristics of Mexican beer I certainly don’t want to put a lime in this one.


modelo beers collection

Corona Extra – 4.5%

The world famous Corona, the biggest export of Mexican beer in the world. It’s not the most expensive beer in Mexico, in fact corona extra is one of the cheaper options. Although there are a few different options of Corona. This one’s not the best but when ice cold you can’t go wrong.

Leon – 4.5%

I’m looking forward to this one, it’s a “Cerveza Negra” which means dark beer. As most beers here are light and watery perhaps this will be different. The colour is certainly a different shade, like it says on the tin it’s definitely darker. The taste however is not. Standard Mexican beer different colour and different packaging.

Pacifico – 4.5%

It comes in a bright yellow can labelled claro cerveza, a lifesaving ring with an anchor in the middle adorns the can, perhaps some reference to the pacific. I feel I already know what’s coming. Damn I’m right, clear watery and perfect for a hot summers day. The Modelo group appear to have packaged the same beer in several different cans, a clever marketing ploy to fill the shelves but seriously I’m not impressed. It’s all getting very ‘samey’. But ice cold on a hot summers day it hits the spot, I can excuse this since we are in Mexico.


The Final Verdict


The cheapest way to drink beer in Mexcio is to buy the 1.2 litre glass bottles. You pay a 10 peso deposit which you get back when you return the bottle. Depending on where you buy it you can pay anywhere from 30 to 50 pesos for a bottle. At one point we got two for 45 pesos (nearly 2 pound). Smaller bottles and cans generally cost more and these never get recycled.

There’s a very different selection of beer in Mexico than in Europe, if you want an imported beer here expect the price to be ridiculously increased. Pretty much all the beers in Mexico are made in Mexico. 

In conclusion all Mexican beers are pretty much the same, light and really watery which happens to be ideal for the hot weather, when served ice cold I would drink any of them. However my beer of preference would have to be Indio due to its slightly better flavour.





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