Sonoma - Californian Pinot Noir

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Sonoma County, Californias wine region. 400 plus wineries offer tasting and tours, you can visit vine-yards, barrel rooms and wine caves and get drunk while doing it.

Sounds good... except the wine. I just dont like it. But hey were here now, leanne is in her element and I am open to try it once more.

Today we are in the Russian River Valley, famed for producing the best Pinot noir in the region. The winery of choice HKG (Hop Kiln Grown) Estate Wines.

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The building is nice, the sun's shining and there is plenty of wine to be drunk. Im also the desginated driver. The wine tastings starts with a rose of Pinot Noir and a Chardonay. Im not impressed, Leanne clearly see's something I dont.


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Then its on to the Pinot Noir, each bottle is of the 2012 vintage. Imaginatively called HKG Pinot Noir followed by the field it was grown. The smaller the field the grape was grown in the more expensive the bottle, using that logic why not make all the fields smaller and sell the wine for more? I dont think I will ever understand the logic of wine, apparently the less of a bottle made the more its worth.


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After tasting all the Pinot Noirs my mind is made up. The first is described as having aromas of the forest floor and cherries. I cant imagine a forest floor tasting nice, sounds like an acurate description, perhaps more so if it was 'aromas of forest floor, freshly urinated on by a new born bear'.The final bottle at $60 is described as 'silky' and finishes with a 'french oak toast' profile. My description would be oily, with undertones of an oak aged toilet brush. Perhaps I should have used the spit bucket, but it would be a shame to waste it. While I struggle to keep the wine down Leanne on the other hand is loving every moment.


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We go to one more winery and as the designated driver when we get back to the cottage I get to have a much deserved beer at the tap house.


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