Belizean Rum

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Belize’s cultural past and coastal location means that it feels more like the Caribbean than its more Latino neighbours. It is because of this link that the national drink of Belize is the hardcore liquor rum.
Sold everywhere there is a range of brands available. From the super cheap Travellers Rum to the more upmarket oaked aged varieties there is plenty of choice.


belize rum menu

The most popular mix for this spirit, which is made using sugar cane, is coke. Or for a fruitier option many bars offer a rum punch which seems to be rum mixed with whatever fruit juice they can find.


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Rum is one of my least favourite spirits and mixed with coke somehow makes it taste even worse. It is just bearable in a fruit punch. If you have the same dislike for the taste as myself there are a number of coconut flavoured rums available, blended with coconut after distillation this can be mixed with pineapple juice to make a much more pleasing drink that fits perfectly with the slow paced Caribbean lifestyle.


kuknat rum

After a few bottles we are almost ready to don a spyglass, grab a large black hat and head out in search for a ship to charter.


caulker sunset

“Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest, yo-ho-ho and a bottle of …….

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