Everest Base Camp - Day 15 - Kathmandu

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I’m off the mountains and back in civilisation!! Thank God! Half the group are still stuck in Lukla! So lucky that we were on the first flight as the one the others were booked on got cancelled due to bad weather. One way or another they need to get back today as our flight is tomorrow morning. There has been talk of helicopters going to get them if they can’t get a plane.

I can’t stress enough how glad I am that I’m not stuck with them! I am thoroughly enjoying the Yak and Yeti hotel. I had the best shower ever after only having 2 ‘showers’ over 2 weeks. I got to straighten my hair so I don’t have to wear a bloody hat anymore, and I also got to put some make-up on. I now feel like a woman again.

Our last day trekking went well, even if it had one too many uphill climbs. In the evening we had the ‘tipping ceremony’ with the Sherpers and we donated our unwanted items which they raffled off. I give them my sleeping mat, my fleece liner and them useless gloves. We all drank and thankfully didn’t have to sleep in tents as we were in an ok(ish) teahouse. Some of the rooms even had a bathroom with a shower, which has become a strange concept.

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  • Intrepid Nomads