Everest Base Camp - Day 13 - Phungitenga

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There was some drama today, just as we thought we were descending to safety one of the guys in our group collapsed and had a seizure. Luckily this was right outside the only hospital for hundreds of miles. It was such a shock as he is one of the fittest guys in the group and hasn’t complained about being ill once throughout this trip. Apparently, it was altitude induced. Once he came round they tried to put him on a horse but he was too unwell and a helicopter was called to take him back down to Kathmandu.

It just goes to show how dangerous this trip is and what we are putting our bodies through. I hope he is alright. He’s a nice guy, and he taught me how to play dice.

Today was another long walk. We went back past the monastery where I was ill. It seems like a lifetime ago now, even though it was only a few days. Karma sharper took me inside, I was really lucky as I got to see the monks chanting. It was very calming yet powerful, with the continuous beating of the drum creating a spiritual atmosphere. I got blessed by the monks and left feeling happy, glad that I got to experience this on my own.

Tonight the tent seems damp and grim. I’m getting sick of the evenings, eating the same food, talking the same shit and playing the same crap games of cards.