San Cristobal de las Casas

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Waking from a satisfying sleep we look out the bus window, the clouds are resting in the valley below, a picture of serenity. The coming of the morning light means the 14 hour bus journey must be drawing to a conclusion, perhaps only 1 or 2 hours left.


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San Cristobal, a Spanish colonial city, sits at 2800m above sea level and is remarkably colder than Puerto Escondido.

The cold and the long bus journey have really got to us and all we really want to do is rest and eat some food. A quick tour of the centre is about all we can muster.


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The altitude is noticeable when climbing the two hills within the city, however reaching the top gives a good view of the historic centre and surrounding area.


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Each afternoon we get caught out in torrential rain. Having to wait at whatever location we happened to be at the time.


san cristobal rain

There is a massive indigenous population here. Leanne is a good foot taller than some of the locals which makes me look like a massive white giant. It’s a real shame we didn’t have time to visit the surrounding indigenous villages. We are told you can see them sacrifice chickens in daily ceremonies and that they are almost permanently drunk on cheap moonshine.


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Despite our not so eventful stopover San Cristobal remains a hot spot for travellers looking for work. Many travellers are working for hostels for their bed and food. Some we speak to have been here for months. But this is not for us, if we wanted rain and cold we would have stayed in England.

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