Torres Del Paine Day 5 - Camp Paso to Paine Grande

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Intrepid Nomads™
  • Campsite: Paine Grande 
  • Costs: Campsite $7,000 pp
  • Distance Covered: 21km


Today we were blessed with more blue skies as we set off for another long day.

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From leaving the camp the trail felt like an obstacle course. We had to negotiate our way across rivers, climb ladders and edge our way across vertigo inducing suspension bridges.


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It certainly made the morning more interesting. Before we knew it we were back amongst the crowds of people as we approached camp Grey. This is a popular campsite for those doing the “w” trek as it well situated next to the glacier.


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The afternoon was a bit easier with regular viewpoints to stop off at along the way.

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The path was dry and dusty and as we passed more and more people I became aware of the fact we hadn’t showered or even looked in a mirror for past two days. By this point in the trek we no longer cared how we looked or smelt.

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We did a lot of downhill and uphill walking and our legs were beginning to ache. The plus point was that the pains in our legs masked the pains in our shoulders. Unfortunately, these came back when walking on the flat. We were glad when we finally arrive in the haven that is Paine Grande campsite, complete with mini mart and bar. After 5 days of trekking we had developed a sugar addiction and went crazy spending almost £10 on chocolate. We then ended the day celebrating completing two difficult days with a well-deserved glass of vino.


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