Everest Base Camp - Day 4 - Namche Bazaar

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Namche Bazaar

I regret saying it was like a holiday! They were clearly easing us into a false sense of security until it was too far for us to turn back. Today has been hard, really hard. We have ascended 800m and the altitude has really kicked in.

The trek to Namche bazzar was amazing, the views were stunning. We walked past rivers, waterfalls, over suspension bridges in a lush green mountainous landscape. After another lovely dinner of potatoes, bread, cheese, beans and cabbage (strange mixture), things suddenly got harder. We walked up some steep stairs, then a steeper hill, all the while the air gets thinner and thinner. A few of the guys have got sick already. How they managed to make it to the campsite is beyond me.

I really started to feel the altitude in the last hour of walking. My head was foggy and I felt my fingers start to tingle. I was just thinking ‘please don’t let me be the one who gets ill’. My body literally did not want me to walk any further up. When we made it to camp I felt sick but after a cup of tea and a biscuit I started to feel normal again. This altitude business is really hard. It is also getting colder, much colder. I can’t believe this is day two, I feel like I have been here a lifetime already.


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  • Intrepid Nomads