Toubkal Day 2 – Aremd 2600m

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Today we did an acclimatisation walk to the top of one of the mountains near to our gite. Thankfully, luck was on our side and it was overcast for most of our assent. It was undoubtedly hot though and the regret for not taking my training seriously began to mount up. Everyone on the trip is a bloody marathon runner! I don’t know if it was the altitude or not but I certainly didn’t feel fit doing the walk today. I’m also less encouraged by the fact the guide said Toubkal is a lot harder than today’s trek.

We only went to 2600m today. Tomorrow we go to 3000m. I do question why I do these things. On the way up I was thinking how hard it was and then on the way down, when I was sliding all over the place and falling on my arse, I did have a moment why I thought, why am I doing this? Anyway, I’m here now so I’m determined to get to the top. I just have to focus on the celebratory drink we can have when we get back to Marrakesh.