The Journey Begins in Vancouver

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Day 1


As sure as day turns into night, day turned into day. The plane departed at 12.50pm and touched down at 2.05pm, the french speaking air hostess assumed this meant '2 Past 5', indeed this sounds more plausable consdering the journey took 9 hours.


Vancouver Skyline


Anyone arriving at a foreign airport with a backpack on will know that seeing set taxi fares is a good way to start your journey. There is no fear of being ripped off. In fact the fees are all pre-set based on zones and tightly regulated. An easy start to the trip.


Vancouver sunrise

We had been in Canada for less than a hour and we already felt we needed to learn more about trees. Its not just the maple leaf plastered on flags and advertisments that grabs your attention. Its hard not to notice them glowing shades of red and green. Enormous pines that reach for the sun , maples in blossom line the straight well designed streets which are  guarded by the mountains that dominate the horzion.


vancouver trees in colour

The hotel (Patrica budget Inn) is cheap and its old, although you could say vintage. In fact the hotel was built in 1913 and in this part of the world it could be classed as 'historic'. 

Downstairs in the bar a jazz band was playing, we ordered the home brewed beer, ate burgers and then went on to to go to sleep at 5pm local time. When we woke at 2am it then felt like the night that never ended.

Day 2

After waking in the middle of the night we set off for a early morning walk around the harbour. Its a perfect time to see the city, the light of the morning sun lit up the mountains and the sea as the ideal backdrop to the skyline.


vancouver docks


As many friendy Canadians wanted to tell us, today is the annual Vancouver marathon. So many of the walking routes had been closed off. We still managed to get ourselves inside the officially "closed" Stanley Park. Despite the runners circling the outer seawall the interior of the park was virtually empty.It was easy to get lost in the dense forests and forget you are in the middle of a city. We wondered around the various highlights and even cought sight of a racoon.


totem stanley park

As we spent the day wondering through the city with the sun shining down it was easy to see why it is often voted in the top ten places in the world to live. It really does seem to have it all. Mounatins, sea, parks, beaches, shops, bars, skiing and hiking are all on your doorstep. The only exception to this is a small area in the Downtown district where the friendly smiles suddenly stop. This area is home to Vancouvers drug addicts, dealers, prostitutes, and mentaly insane....and also our hotel! Crack whores aside, in reality, it is no more thretening than Blyth on a Saturday night.


gas town steam clock

In the afternoon we headed to the trendy Gastown area which boasts an infamouse steam clock (which is actually powered by electricity!) and several hip and trendly bars offering their own speciality beers. We spent our afternoon sampling the craft beers in a bar called Alibi.(Canadian Craft Beer Review) .
Our first full day of travelling complete, we headed home at a ridiculously early hour, exhausted and slightly tipsy.

Day 3

We started today on Granville Island and its renowned market. If you look past the typical tourist tat on offer there are some great craft shops and local art. Unfortunatly we had to resist the urge to buy anything. Instead we headed to the food stalls. Stitting in the sun with a coffee we were able to watch the world go buy while listening to the chilled out music from the steet performers.


granville market

We picked up some food from the market for a picnic and headed to the nearby Vanier park. The strawberries and beef jerkey were a particular delight.
After lunch we couldnt face another long walk so we took the small ferry back via the length of False Creek and dropped it us off at science world only a short walk back to the hotel for our tired legs.


false creek ferry

An exceptionally large proportion of Vancouver is chinese and the chinese cooking here is often regarded as the best outside of Asia, a good sign is when you cant understand anything on the menu! Our best meal so far and a wonderfull and cheap way to end the day.


Day 4


Tired from all the walking today was about relaxing, Tuesday just happens to be the day of half price tickets in Vancouver. Half price cinema tickets can be found at the International Village. This occupied the afternoon and in the evening the Vancouver Art Gallery is free (but there is a recommended dontation of $10 which they will ask you for, but there is no obligation to pay).


vancouver harbour cloudy


Vancouver has been a successfull trip, now its time to go to the USA, first stop Seattle.


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