Beagle Channel Beer

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Being in Ushuaia the southern-most city of the world I didn’t expect there to be much beer available, yet alone an Irish bar. Well, the Irish bar didn’t surprise me too much.

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But it did come as a revelation that the beer here was some of the best we have tasted in South America. The beer we opted to try is brewed locally by the Beagle Channel Brewery. They use the fresh water from Glacier Marshal and this certainly seems to make it more refreshing.

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There was also several beers brewed by Cape Horn brewery but costing nearly £5 a pint for both the Beagle and Cape Horn we couldn’t try them all and instead decided to go for a selection of Beagle beers.

Fuegian Rubia Ale – 5.8%


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Fuegian Negra-Stout – 7.8%

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Rojo-India Pale Ale – 6.6%

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Not realising the strong percentages of these drinks intoxication came pretty fast, I’m not going to pretend I remember exactly what the taste like, it was my 30th birthday after all, but they really were world class beers. My favourite by far was the stout, It’s just a shame I couldn’t bring any home.

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